Twitter avatar for @eric_oh_see
Eric @eric_oh_see
@vboykis hahahahaha, I am totally going to win this 🤓 - BigQuery data model -> Looker - Looker scheduled CSV report -> Fivetran email connector - Fivetran -> BigQuery - GSheet V8 script (queries BigQuery) -> populates Spreadsheet I set this up in December and :chefs_kiss:
Twitter avatar for @kara_ec
emre can kara @kara_ec
@vboykis A google sheet that is editable via link as a DB for a microservice :)
Twitter avatar for @junghoon_sonMD
Jung Hoon Son, M.D. @junghoon_sonMD
@vboykis Google Sheets has a "TRANSLATE()" function.

Once just mass loaded a few hundred thousand non-English documents each cell and translated a lot of text quickly using their seemingly free parallel computing power/API without having to work with APIs...

And, here are some from DMs:

Finally, are a couple where the specifics were so terrible that I needed to edit them out: 

The more stories I got, the more I became terrified that our entire economy (what remains of it, anyway) is only a “click to share” link away from exposure. (But if you have more stories, definitely put them in the comments.)

There are a number of things that make Google Docs extremely sticky and extremely dangerous. First, most people have Google personal accounts. When you open a work-related spreadsheet, if your Google personal account is the default on your machine, the document goes in there. 

Twitter avatar for @jbendeaton
Ben Deaton @jbendeaton
@vboykis Mostly the thing where you click on a Google Doc link from your work gmail account and it opens with your personal Google account.

And where “in there” is, is a different story, too. We no longer own anything in the cloud. 

Twitter avatar for @JennyBryan
Jenny Bryan @JennyBryan
It feels like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are all trying to create a world where people have no freaking clue where their files are saved and I think this is a Really. Terrible. Idea.

This is the root cause of our kids' greatest agony re: online learning right now.

Google doesn’t give us a very fine-grained view or control on these files. As I wrote before, what’s ours is no longer ours. 

I was really surprised. Memes are, in an internet that’s been entirely corporatized and controlled top-down by Amazoogle and advertising, the People’s Content. They come from the bottom up, from message boards and reddit threads, from Photoshop and Powerpoint, and make their way online. And yet, we have no control over them, no way to save and catalog them, to search through them.

The people before us left behind vellum manuscripts and paintings, wrinkled photographs and handiwork, letters that smell of sealing wax - evidence that humans were here, doing human things, living.

What will be left of us when the servers are turned off and the last Baby Yoda gif disappears into the ether?

Another enormous problem is link-sharing. There are millions of spreadsheets out there that are accessible to the public with a link. Hackers have already previously exploited it, but surprisingly for a problem this big, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of other news about it. If hackers are working on exploiting this already, then we just have not heard anything about it lately.

Finally, it’s hard to tell which documents are ours and which are someone else’s. For example, as soon as I opened Jack’s sheet, it went into my own Drive, where it will now stay, for a very long time:

Twitter avatar for @AlanMCole
Alan Cole @AlanMCole
Time for one old curmudgeon tweet:

Back in the day there was a clear directory hierarchy on computers designed to be visible. When you loaded and saved files, even within applications, you could see that system.

These efforts to obscure the directory system from the UI are bad.

We, as tech professionals and security professionals, spend hundreds of millions of dollars securing our clouds, our personal laptops, our databases and now we’re harping on Zoom’s security issues.

But I haven’t seen much press at all about how much of a problem it is that a company has not only managed to embed itself into our consciousness with search, but now also lives inside our companies as a complete production system that people rely on to track revenue, run databases, manage vendors, and, yes, distribute billions of dollars.

I’m not saying that all of this is going to come crashing down, mostly because many of thse systems operate through security by obscurity, but maybe we (and Jack) should back our stuff up at least every once in a while, and maybe take some of these docs out of production.

What I’m reading lately:

  1. Why are Taleb’s ideas so good (I personally have long been a fan) and yet it’s so easy to hate him? The Taleb starter pack.

  2. TFW you’re a data scientist IRL

  3. Cuomo’s Powerpoint aesthetic

  4. Bleak but good content

  5. Saudi Arabia now owns Ticketmaster?

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Swag: Stickers. Mug. Notepad.

The Author:
I’m a data scientist. Most of my free time is spent wrangling a preschooler and a baby, reading, and writing bad tweets. Find out more here or follow me on Twitter.

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